Keywords of the first circle have XX connected revues.
Keywords of the last circle have XX connected revues.
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A participatory, interactive visualization of the interdisciplinary configurations across ART/DESIGN and SCIENCES in scholarly research worldwide.

This survey and interactive visualization of journals that publish interdisciplinary research at the intersections of Art/Design with the Sciences (including Social Sciences) and the Humanities initiated as a review of publication avenues (état de l’existant) for the interdisciplinary activities of the Chaire arts & sciences. It evolved into a project of its own as the survey revealed to determine the most predominant configurations in which Art and Design-based research associates with disciplines from the other domains.

Interdisciplinary research that includes art and design practice is growing in institutions of higher education and research worldwide. Journals and some other media used for scholarly publication testify of the institutionalization of these forms of research. In the face of heterogeneous understandings of interdisciplinarity, specifically of the type that brings together Art/Design and the Sciences, this meta-analysis of which disciplines tend to come together provides an overview of the intellectual, technological, and institutional contexts within which this type of research is evolving.

The present sample is not exhaustive and the project will continue to evolve. The platform is open to external proposals of new entries. As such, this cartography will progressively change and hopefully broaden beyond its present western focus and what is for now a majority of traditional formats of academic journals.

This will be a tool for researchers, artists, educators, and students looking for references to find published materials close to their interdisciplinary interests and creative practices that inform their own work. The chronological and broad overview that this project offers is also likely to have an impact at the level of policy making and research funding agencies, as it demonstrates the place and value of Art/Design research communities, and the extent of contributions of these groups and their labs to the landscape of scholarly research.


Research: Manuelle Freire.
Assistant Researchers: Ragnhild Ståhl-Nielsen, Gwenaelle Lallemand, Jian-Xing Too.
Graphic Design: Alexandre Deschosal.
Assistant Graphic Designer: Victoria Gombert, Jérémy De Barros.
Programming and Web integration: Cécile Bucher.
With the contributions of Samuel Bianchini, David Bihanic, Didier Bouchon.



This project has been initiated by the “Chaire arts & sciences” of École Polytechnique, École des Arts Décoratifs (EnsAD) – Paris Sciences & Lettres University (PSL) and the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation. It is developed by the Reflective Interaction Research Group of EnsadLab (research laboratory of EnsAD), within the framework of the “Chaire arts & sciences”.
Chaire arts et sciences :
Reflective Interaction Group (EnsadLab) :